Is someone in your life experiencing domestic violence?
We work with our peers, colleagues, and survivors across the state and the country to forward our understanding of how to interrupt the systemic cycle of abuse.
“1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men will experience physical violence by their intimate partner at some point during their lifetimes. About 1 in 3 women and nearly 1 in 6 men experience some form of sexual violence during their lifetimes.” U.S. CDC
Alianza is dedicated to assisting, supporting and empowering those whose lives are affected by battering and abuse.
Founded in 1980 as a grassroots collective, Alianza has sheltered more than 10,000 women and children and assisted 22,000 others through community-based support programs. Annually, we shelter approximately 80 to 100 women and 140 children.

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The Alianza web chat works like other instant messaging and online chat systems, but with enhanced security measures.
If you are not in Western Ma, our advocates can refer you to someone in your region.
"I'm afraid you are being hurt."
Call us. We can help you have the sensitive and respectful conversations it takes to support the person you care about. We all have the fundamental right to live without abuse.

Why don't they just leave?
This is one of the biggest misunderstandings about domestic violence.
“If someone is mistreating you, why don’t you just leave?”
Many of our survivors still live with their abusers. Sometimes, this is because they are financially dependent on their abuser. Sometimes, it’s for the sake of a child or a pet. Sometimes, it’s because their life will be threatened if they leave.
It’s not always as simple as just leaving.
There is no one-size solution to domestic violence.